What is Occupational Therapy?
Learn more about the wonderful world of occupational therapy by visiting our services page or watching a short video created by UBC's 2013 occupational therapy class.

Huberman Lab with Dr. Andrew Huberman.
The Neurodiversity Podcast with Emily Kircher-Morris.
Good Inside with Dr. Becky Kennedy.
The Neurodivergent Women with Dr. Monique Mitchelson and Dr. Micheele Lovick.
Pain Reframed with Dr. Timothy Flynn and Dr. Jeff Moore.
Guided Meditations offered by UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center.
Must Reads
Explain Pain (and Supercharged) by D.S. Butler & G.L. Moseley
Back in Control by Dr. D. Hanscom
When the Body Says No by Gabor Mate
The Body Keeps Score by Bessel van der Kolk
Setting My Sights on Stigma by Mark Bouchard
An Occupational Therapist’s Guide to Sleep and Sleep Problems Edited by A. Green & C. Brown

Live Plan Be is Pain BC’s excellent website offering webinars, videos, articles, forums, and much more related to topics such as pain, anxiety, depression.
Brainstream.ca Learn is the BC Brian Injury Association’s website and is geared towards providing access to information for those who have acquired a brain injury, their family members and healthcare providers. They have many educational video’s and links to local resources.
BC Children’s Hospital has resources, tips, toolkits helping children, youth, and families navigate through mental, physical, emotional challenges.
Communicable Disease Plan

What are Communicable Diseases?
Communicable diseases are illnesses caused by viruses and bacteria that can spread through: direct contact with a person or animal who has the virus or bacteria, breathing in contaminated air or droplets (e.g. from coughing or sneezing), contact with bodily fluids or contaminated surfaces, ingestion of contaminated substances (e.g. food, water), or bites from diseased animals/insects. Examples of some communicable are: influenza, COVID-19, common cold, pink eye, tick-borne diseases.
Windward’s Communicable Disease Plan:
Windward Healthcare actively works with the health authorities, our licensing body, our team, partners, and clients to help prevent the transmission of communicable diseases while continuing to deliver effective and timely service. Our disease plan adapts based on time of year/level of communicable disease, location, recommendations from authorities, and specific client considerations. Contact us to discuss real-time information on our communicable disease plan.
What if I’m feeling sick?
Sorry to hear that! Being sick is a normal part of human existence. More often than not, we can take precautions in order to safely continue with services.
When you feel sick, please contact your Windward Healthcare clinician as soon as possible to navigate next steps.
Next steps often include completing a brief health screen, adding layers of protection (e.g. distancing, extra sanitizing, masking, adding airflow), moving session location (e.g. outdoors, ventilated space, telehealth), changing session tasks to what feels manageable for you, limiting persons attending, and lastly rescheduling*.
*Late cancellation fees may apply.